02 October 2006

Clinic Pin-On Ceremony

Today was our first day in the Outpatient Clinic. This is the day we've been waiting for since we first started class at Palmer over 2 years ago. This is the day that we clung to in order to maintain our sanity in the tough quarters and studying for boards. We gathered together at 9am for 3 hours of clinic orientation. And, at 1230, friends and family joined our class as we pinned on our Palmer Florida clinic pins and celebrated that we are finally here doing what we embarked to do as we've grown in knowledge and skill as doctors.
Courtney & Lindsay smile for the camera while Matt, the class clown, acts like himself.

Jorge is our new class President. In his first act as el Presidente, he organizes our class alphabetically for the pin-on ceremony. Way to go Jorge!
Alex, Meredith, & Stew enjoy the ceremony and await their turn to go on stage.
I finally got my clinic pin. After the ceremony, we did what chiropractors love to do best next to adjusting, we ate lots of food!Courtney & Katie flash their beautiful smiles for the camera.Katie snapped this photo of me with one of my favorite clinicians, Dr. J



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