31 January 2006

Mind Over Toe Matter

Today was the first day I've attempted running since I foolishly sprained and resprained my toe on Dec 22nd. My super student clinician has been helping me with rehab, and today he lasered my toe. I've gotta post a pic of me with the silly glasses. Anyway, that's supposed to help with circulation and healing. It's way too cold to swim, so I decided to suck it up and run.

Suck it up I did. . . my toe felt great, my lungs hurt like burning fire. What a slacker I've become! It took me about 3 weeks to get back into swimming, but the motivation quickly drops with the temperature. I decided I wasn't going to make it doing any sort of endurance run. Steve decided he'd do sprints. Well, no better way to get back up to a fast pace than by sprinting. So, while Steve alternated handstand push-ups and 3 soccerfield lengths of sprints, I sprinted the soccer fields 12 times varying my stride (high knees, butt-kicks, grapevines, build-ups, and 70% sprints). Later on, I did some push-ups between lengths which felt awesome on my back muscles. I think I'll stick to sprinting--because I really hate endurance work. I'll build up my endurance work by sprinting, anyway. No pain from the toe--so all is well.


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